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Plastics - Just a Load of Rubbish?
'Plastics: Just a Load of Rubbish?’ covers aspects of the material not commonly voiced, including its indelible role in our lives, whether recent denouncements are justified, and how it could further our desire to become better environmentally protective citizens. Society opposes plastic with little understanding of the material or the environmental harm associated with alternatives. Certain species were saved from extinction by early plastics.

Challenging questions are asked while following the story of plastic. Recyclability comes under the spotlight as do bioplastics and ‘green’ terminology associated with apparently environmentally friendly materials. The appellation ‘bioplastic’ means only that source material is plant based, few biodegrade.

Case studies across diverse examples are explored for an environmental truth. Instinct urges anything but the plastic but at what harm. Plastic straws are banned, why not say chewing gum? Both are single-use plastics.

Microplastics are given close scrutiny. A recent academic study showed just 24% of scientific studies suggest ill-effects (76% found no ill-effects) yet 93% of media articles on the subject imply risk? Why?

When it comes to plastics the genie is out of the bottle. Instead of trying to stuff it back, should we instead try embrace its positive aspects? Maybe with scientific and not media driven facts at our fingertips we can make the right choices.
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