About me
I have a Degree, MSc and PhD in the field of polymer science, technology and engineering having begun my tertiary education in my native Ireland. I was a senior lecturer in plastics and rubber (polymers) at London Metropolitan University and also lectured in the subject at Waikato University, New Zealand. With declining provision for plastics courses, I am within a dwindling number of academics having an in-depth knowledge of the material. I started out as a consultant for the British Plastics Federation (BPF) and currently act as a freelance consultant and lecturer/speaker in polymers offering advice and consultancy to the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IoM3) amongst others. This has included institutions such as the Bank of England. I have lectured in diverse locations such as the Tower of London, the Royal Society and the British Library in addition to schools and other establishments across the UK. I have also written several plastic related educational units for Pearson’s Education. A number of years ago I was hired by the BBC as their rubber expert for a televised documentary series. My most recent book, ‘Plastics: Just a Load of Rubbish?’, was published by Hero Press and released in October 2023. A synopsis of this book is given below: